The average UK funeral and burial costs are close to £5,000 and these costs are increasing each year. The committee will pay towards these burial costs for all it's eligible members. As a family member your spouse and all children under 18 are covered. Your lifetime contributions to the committee will not even cover the costs for one person.

Quite often our members, and in particular young adults who have recently become members in their own right, will question why the annual membership fee is so high. Is it really?!? 

Try saving £65 a year towards yours and your families burial costs and see how many years it would take to get the same benefit. You would have to save for over 300 years to cover burial costs for a family of 4!

The committee is able to sustain itself by retaining a large number of contributing members. The more contributing members we have the better it is from a coverage perspective. It also relies on perpetuity - the committee needs to continue to run as long into the future as it possibly can so that it can continue to maintain a healthy level of funds.

We are at the mercy of Allah s.w.t and his grace towards us. May all our members have a long and prosperous life In Sha Allah. However if for any unfortunate circumstances we have a large number of member deaths and the funds are depleted, then of course the committee can no longer continue to cover its members. It will then be decided by all the committee members as to whether everyone can voluntarily top up the fund to keep the committee alive or whether it should be disbanded.

If you still cannot see the benefit of being a member then of course you are welcome to terminate your membership. However, as per the constitution, your contributions will not be returned to you. Everything you would have contributed towards the committee will be accepted as sadka jariya as it will go towards helping your fellow muslim brothers and sisters towards their burial costs.

By the grace of Allah s.w.t the committee is currently in a good state. This does not happen automatically and a lot of hard work goes into the running of the committee each year.

It is important that:

  • The committee is managed openly and honestly.
  • Members pay their fees on time each year.
  • Members participate at the AGM and also during the year.
  • You help to minimise costs by providing email addresses for correspondence.

We are always looking towards our own members to help in carrying this committee forward. In Sha Allah in the future the WMBC will continue to be run and be managed in the same manner as it has since its inception. The WMBC will outlive all the current committee management so it is imperative that we involve our younger members in the management process so that it can continue to safely transition into the future.

As time goes by and membership numbers increase, we have to be much more progressive. Over the last few years we have started to make progress with our online presence. To help reduce our costs we are now sending an email to all those members who have provided an email address. We need to continue to build upon this and are looking for anyone who has the necessary skills to carry this forward. Remember this is voluntary and your efforts will be accepted and rewarded by Allah s.w.t.

Please get in contact with us to see how you can actively participate in the running of the committee. Every little helps!