Membership Growth
The following chart shows how the membership numbers for the committee has expanded over the last 20+ years. Most of the growth has been organic - this means that our original members families have grown and extended. However we have also been, and will continue to accept, new members into our committee.
Note: In 1999 our records were not electronic and therefore were considerably out of date and hard to maintain. In subsequent years we have made a deliberate effort to ensure we get as much detail from our members about their dependants or change of circumstance.
In 2020 we undertook an exercise to obtain updated membership details from all our members, including information about dependants that had not previously been registered. This is the reason why there is a huge spike in the membership numbers in 2020! We now have over 600 covered members eligible for benefits of the committee. Nearly two thirds of our current membership is non-contributing. These are the members highlighted in Green and are all the dependants (children and spouses) of our married members.
It is vitally important for the long term sustenance of this committee that you continue to make your annual membership payments on time, to ensure we have adequate funds to cover our members.
Age Demographics
The age group breakdown of our eligible members is as follows.
The chart above shows the age groups ranges of dependants and also contributing members. Masha Allah we have a very young membership base and in particular we have lots of young dependants. We kindly ask our members to provide DOBs for all their family members to ensure we correctly capture dependants turning 18, who have to become contributing members in their own right.
Membership Losses
No one except Allah (swt) know’s when our death will come and the one thing in life that is certain is that we will some day pass away. Our committee was formed for this reason and over the years we have seen many of our beloved members, friends and family pass away.
إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ
Over the last 20 years we have have had 26 deaths - which is on average over 1 per year. Prior to that our committee had seen many more of its members pass away and has provided the benefit for the respective families in their time of need.